Adam Neiffer - Firebreather Athlete

Adam Neiffer - Firebreather Athlete



Name: Adam Neiffer 

 Age: 27 

Affiliate: CrossFit Fort Vancouver 

CrossFit Competition Experience: 

08 CrossFit Games Competitor

'09 CrossFit Games Affiliate Cup Competitor

'10 CrossFit Games Affiliate Cup Champions

2011 Reebok Open finished 3rd in the Northwest

Athletic Background: Football, Beloit College

Community Involvement: Future Soldier Fitness Program, CrossFit-SHARE Fundraising Coordinator, Vancouver Winter Hospitality Overflow, Sunday School Teacher

Favorite Quote or Saying: "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" Phil. 4:13 - "Life's a garden, dig it" -Joe Dirt

What does it mean to you to be a Firebreather? “To me, being a Firebreather means devoting your whole and best self to whatever it is you're passionate about.  As a CrossFitter, that means investing your heart into training, effort, and execution.  Firebreathers hang out on the podium at the CrossFit Games, in the middle of the pack in affiliate classes, and alone in garages all over the world.  It's not about numbers, accomplishments, or awards though.  Being a Firebreather is about the pursuit of being better tomorrow than you are today.  Whether you're an athlete, a coach, a doctor, a farmer, a mother, a soldier, or a chef, the spirit of the Firebreather is to never quit, never settle, and never be satisfied.  Along the way, a Firebreather generously shares their talents and gifts with those that surround them and celebrates others' achievements much more than their own.  After all, there is work to be done.